Bishkek to Host Seminar for specialists and principals of private preschools «Autism: Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders»

April 21, 2014, 06:00

As part of the «School Children» program, the Roza Otunbayeva Initiative, Arabaev State University and the "Hand in Hand" association for parents of autistic children invite you on May 2, 2014 to an information lecture on autism to be held at Arabaev University, 51A Razzakova St. (near the intersection of Rozybakiev St. and Kievskaya) in the large conference room. Admission is free!

To date, science has proven that children with autism have 68 specific symptoms. To mark World Day of Autism Awareness, there have been rallies in Bishkek to raise awareness among the public about autism through April.

It is gratifying to know that private kindergartens support children with autism and their parents. The next lecture will be opportunity to learn more about autism, its forms and manifestations and methods of working with autistic children, as well as a chance to ask questions and get answer and share experiences with colleagues.

For more information, please contact Asel Dzhakypbekova (Tel.: 660 382, 0772 800 376,,


Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that manifests itself during the first three years of life and is the result of a neurological disorder that affects brain functioning.

The main features of autism spectrum disorders are:

- Difficulty communicating;

- Violations of speech development;

- Sensory issues;

- Stereotypical, monotonous behavior;

- Peculiarities of perception and intellectual development.

Autism persists throughout life, but thanks to timely diagnosis and early remedial assistance can achieve great things. In the west to 47% of children with early diagnosis and timely corrective intensive intervention to seven years become socially important skills necessary for successful adaptation in society. Many autistic children grow up, finish graduate from secondary school and university, find jobs, start families and lead independent lives. In other cases, strides have been made to significantly reduce the burden of the disease on individuals, thus reducing the burden on the state and family.

Seminar Program

“Autism: Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders” (4 hours)


Аutism, its prevalence in the world and the situation in Kyrgyzstan. 

ADzhyldyz Sadykova, chairwoman of the "Hand in Hand" public Association for parents of autistic children30 min.

Signs of autism. Sensory problems. Features of perception and development. 

Natalia Shevchenko, pediatrician, psychologist amd educator at the "Hand in Hand" Center1 hour

Applied behavior analysis as an effective method of correcting behavior. Inclusion of children with ASD in preschool educational environment. 

Olga Yarova master of psychology, senior lecturer in the Department of Psychology at AUCA, teacher of "Introduction to Autism and ABA therapy" and “Developmental Psychology" 1 hour

Experience in working with children with ASD at the "Hand in Hand " center. School parents. The role of tutors.

Anara Asanalieva, director of the “Hand in Hand" Center to help children with autism1 hour

Questions and answers.

30 min.